Wednesday, December 17, 2008

VIdeo,why is it so effective?

It is so effective because the video shows one guy dancing and going all over the world bringing all kinds of people together. He wanted to bring different cultures together by gong around the world.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Video Project

The best part about the video project was that it started to get fun as it all got put together and in the end so far i think its coming out pretty good and i like it. The most frustrating part was wen i was trying to slow the music down to match the clip and then speed i up the music kept moving around and didn't stay in the order of the song, and the made me very frustrated but then i got it fixed.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Zombie Commercial

I think for our zombie commercial we should have a bunch of people dressed up as zombies walking around the school. Then they should come and meet up in our room and have a little dance off to the soulja boy song. After the dance off the commercial will show and list the things we do while at CHCC for our class.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Personality Profile

One person that o share my personality trait with is Magic Johnson. That is cool because he use to play basketball and was a very good player. He also made the hall of fame which is also very cool. He loved to play basketball and so don't I so thats pretty awesome. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

How was your break? What did you do?

My break was pretty good but also boring at times. I hung out with my friends most of the time and family for thanksgiving. I also hung out with my gurl. Went four wheeling with a couple of friends and just had a fun time for most of it. For thanksgiving some of my family came over we ate and after we ate we gabled a lil bit and i made some money. I also went to a dance but that was pretty boring.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What creative could u invent to cook a 20 pound turkey in 20 minutes?

If i had to cook a 20 pound turkey in 20 minutes i would probably just throw over a open fire for about 15 minutes and then for the last 5 minutes i would torch it. If that didn't do it then who cares cuz it will be a lil cooked. Other than that i really don't no any other ways to cook the 20 pound turkey in 20 minutes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What are 3 ways to measure resolution?

The word resolution is referred to the number of small squares known as pixels that describe an image and establish its detail. Resolution is measured by pixel dimensions, image resolution, and lastly monitor resolution. Those can be the three ways to measure resolution

Monday, November 17, 2008

What non-human animal are you? Why do you say this?

Right now for a non-human animal i would be a mammal. Im a mammal because i have a backbone, sleep, and eat. We both need sleep and need food to survive and if we had no backbone then we probably would be dead....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Invent a food that is fabulous & describe it!

If i had 2 invent a food it probably have to be a gigantic sandwich with tons of different kinds of meats and other stuff. For example like ham, bologna, turkey, pastrami, peperoni's, chips, and you can;t forget the mayonase. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Color is Tenacity? Why?

I really don't know what Tenacity is and i looked it up in a dictionary and all it said was that it had something to do with tenacious. So i personally don't know what the meaning color of tenacity is!

Monday, November 10, 2008

If you had any superpower, what would it be & why?

If i had to chose a superpower it would probably be power. I would want to be very strong so that no one can touch me...Because if they did then i could just show them whose boss. I would also want to be strong because then a lot of people would be scared of me and that would be awesome. Lastly having a power to be strong would probably make me the strongest person in the world and I could compete in many competitions and be very famous. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

What's the first thing that President-elect Obama & Congress should tackle in January? Why?

I think that Obama should try do at least everything that he said he was going to do, for example one of his main points was Change. I don't know very much about the whole president thing so i really couldn't tell you. I think that Obama will do as much as he can and he should be a good president.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tell me about your bedroom.. What's cool about it, and what would you change?

My bed room is medium sized and i love to be in my room. I have my own computer, TV, and stereo. There would probably only be three cool things about my bedroom and they would be my awesome loud stereo with a lot of bass that i love to listen to because thats all Im about is music. My computer which Im on all the time, and lastly would be my Boston Celtics stuff. Like my blanket, sticker, license plate, and posters. If i could change something it would probably be the paint. I want to pant my ceiling black and my walls blue. Lastly I would also change the size of my room. 

Friday, October 31, 2008

Do you believe in ghosts in any way shape or form? why or why not?

I don't believe i ghosts. I don't believe in ghosts because they are not real and people who think they are real and supposely hear them, its just there imagination. i also don't belive in ghost because i've never herd or have seen one so that makes me think that there not real. Ghost to me are just in your imagination and they are just like fake monsters and everybody knows that they are fake, but everybody has different thoughts and thats what i think and believe about ghosts.